Municipal Insurance Defense


MRV attorneys are designated defense counsel for national insurers providing municipal and public official coverage in Illinois. Our services complement those of municipal counsel as our lawyers defend public employees and officials including police officers, boards, town and city councils, county commissions, school boards and other municipal agencies in state and federal courts throughout Illinois.

MRV has defended a wide variety of lawsuits arising out of actions taken by public employees and elected officials in the course of executing their duties. Our knowledge has been trusted to protect these public entities in a wide range of legal matters, such as:

Additionally, we are retained directly by municipalities and other public agencies that need specialized defense counsel or when a conflict in representation has arisen.

When providing defense representation to an insurance provider, MRV focuses on resolving the issue in the most economical and efficient manner. Our attorneys have extensive experience in select areas of law and provide responsive and timely service. We take an aggressive position at the onset of a case to provide our client with the benefit of a strong negotiating position.

Representative Cases

Successfully represented police officers accused of excessive use of force and violations of plaintiff’s civil rights, pursuant to Section 1983 Action. The court granted directed verdict in favor of police officers at close of evidence.


Prevailed at trial wherein plaintiff filed suit against municipality and numerous police officers in federal court action wherein plaintiff alleged use of excessive force and violation of his civil rights.


Obtained summary judgment on behalf of police department accused of excessive use of force during arrest of suspect in attempted robbery, despite substantial injuries to suspect from handcuffing procedures and bruising to head and arms.


Obtained a dismissal of complaint alleging that police board allowed suspended officer to retain firearm. Police officer was involved in altercation during suspension wherein he used police-issued firearm to wound several residents.


Entered summary judgment on behalf of municipal fire department, despite motor vehicle accident wherein plaintiff received life-threatening injuries, after fire truck entered intersection on red light. Court granted dispositive motion based upon various provisions of Tort Immunity Act.


Prior to suit, obtained a defense costs resolution of claim wherein minor fractured both wrists, two vertebrae and femur after park swing set collapsed. Various provisions of the Tort Immunity Act were raised to demonstrate likelihood of success if matter were to have proceeded to litigation.


Insurance Defense Law

General Business Law

Employment Law